Sweet Caroline,
You were born on Friday, March 26, 2011 at 11:35 p.m. You were born via C-section, which is not exactly what Mommy had meant when I said I wanted to ease you gently into this world, having wrapped myself in the comfort of all the amazing drugs modern medicine has to offer. Unfortunately, you decided to flip into the breech position at the very last minute, which the doctor didn't discover until after my water had broken. This left him unable to try and turn you, and a C-section was the only way to deliver you safely. You came into this world showing your butt, and you've been that way ever since!
Daddy's girl has arrived |
Your Daddy was the first to hold you, and you've been his best friend ever since. Your father is the kind of dad who has woken up every single time that you've woken in the middle of the night. He's rocked you, sang to you, and done his very best to move the world in such a way that will make you happy and able to fall back asleep. Please remember how much he loves you when you try to start dating in a few years. It will make the process much less painful.
I look half overjoyed/half scared shitless |
We loved you instantly, of course. I didn't want to let you go when they let me hold you post-op. I cried when they took you to the nursery to get cleaned up while they took me to our room. After waiting nine long months to meet you, I couldn't stand the thought of us being separated. I even refused to have you sleep in the nursery at night. I was so swollen and bandaged that I couldn't get up on my own, but it gave me immense comfort to gingerly reach out and stroke your tiny body if I woke up in the night.
This is the first of what will be many nights of you sleeping on Daddy's chest. It's your favorite place on Earth to sleep. |
When I was finally able to get up out of bed and move around, we paraded you up and down the hall in your little hospital bassinet, bursting with pride. We caught the eyes of everyone we saw, hoping they'd notice you and recognize us for what we'd waited for so long to be: parents.
Our tiny little angel |
We were your parents. Amazingly, we were entrusted with raising you, loving you, keeping you safe, and teaching you to be better than what we were before you. To this day, Daddy and I will look at each other sometimes, shake our heads and ask, "can you believe she's really ours?"
Sometimes we can't. How could we have been blessed with such an amazing child? You're sweet, and kind, and helpful, and the funniest little girl I've ever seen. We're so lucky to have you.
Our first family photo |
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